How to create and delete products in Andy's Control Panel

Create and delete, active and inactive products in Andy's Control Panel

How to create a product

1.  Go to Andy's Settings  

2. The Settings screen will show you the Labelling section with three options: Product, Status, and Categories. Click on Products

3. Once on the Product page, a box will list the products as you create them. In the top right corner, click on the  + Add product  button. 

4. Edit the properties of the product, starting with the Basic Information: name, whether the product is active or inactive, etc.

5. Add an image of the product or food, ensuring it is representative of the product you want to add. Click on + Add

6. You will see a gallery of products that have been preloadad by Andy. You can choose from these icons by navigating through the categories on the left side and scrolling through the products.

Alternatively, if you have an image that you want to use, click on + Upload an image.

Click on Save and continue editing the product.

Recommended image format is PNG and maximum size of 200x200px. 

7. Indicate the category to which the product will be associated. For example, if you add "Broccoli," it will probably fall under the "vegetables" category.

8. Write a note about the product if necessary and useful for printing labels.

9. If this product is only available in certain stores, activate the corresponding button and select the stores or grups 

9. Edit the "Product Statuses". You can associate more than one Status to this product by clicking on + Add Label, then assign the Design, Status and Expiration

10. Once the basic information and product status sections are filled out, click on the yellow Save button.  

How to Delete a Product

1. Select the product you want to delete from the page with the list of products and click on it.

2. Next to the Save button, click on the three dots.

3. Click on Delete.  
Deleting the product will completely remove it from the list and cause it to be unlinked from its associated statuses and categories.

4.A warning will appear. If you are still sure about the action, click on Yes, Delete; otherwise, you can click on Cancel.

There you go! Now you know how to add a new product and how to delete it. 

Activate and inactivate products

To inactivate the product created, follow these steps:

1- Go to the product: Configuration > Products > click on the product.

2- In the top right-hand corner, click on the button to inactivate it:

3- If the product is inactivated and you want to activate it, click on the same button:

Continue learning about How to create a product status.

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