How to Delete a Status
Deleting a status is very simple. Here are the steps to follow:
1. Select the status you want to delete and click on it.
2. At the bottom of the status page, you’ll see a "Delete Status" button. Click on it.
Deleting the status will completely remove it from the list and cause it to be unlinked from the products associated with that status.
3. Once you click it, you’ll see a warning notification. If you are still sure you want to perform the action, click on "Yes, Delete." Alternatively, you can click on "No, Cancel."
Once you confirm the deletion, it will be automatically removed from the status listing.
How to Activate/Desactivate a status
This function within “Created status” allows you to keep the saved statuses that are currently not in use.
1. Select the status you want to activate or deactivate in the page with the list of available statuses.
Click on it.
2. Once on the status page, a button on the right side of the box will describe the status as either "Active" or "Inactive." If the button is green, it means it is active. A gray button indicates it’s inactive.
Click on it to change the status.
If you "Deactivate" the status, you will lose the configuration of the products associated with this status.
A warning notice will then appear. You can click on "Yes, deactivate status" to proceed. If you have any doubts, you can proceed with the cancellation in the same warning notice.
Once it is reactivated, the product configuration will be restored.