How to configure alerts and incidents with Andy

How to configure alerts and incidents with Andy

With Andy you'll be able to constantly monitor the temperature of your kitchen equipment using temperature sensors.


Andy allows you to configure alerts and incidents that indicate when the machinery's temperature is outside the established range.

Remember that to continue with this article, you need to complete the previous step to Link Dobbox sensors with Andy.

Before going any further, make sure you've Linked your Dobbox sensors with Andy 

You've linked the sensors to Andy, perfect!

Now, to set up alerts and incidents, go to Settings > Sensors > click on the linked sensor.

Once you access the sensor configuration, activate the "Set up the alarm when" option and set a condition that will trigger an alert when the machinery's temperature is out of range.

By clicking on the Sensors tool, you can access the configured sensors and view the temperature of the machinery. You can also filter the search with your chosen date range. In this example, Andy will alert you when the chamber temperature exceeds 5ºC:

In addition to configuring alerts, Andy allows you to generate an action plan to justify the temperature being out of range.
To do this, simply go to Settings > Sensors > click on the linked sensor. 
Now, assign it a previously configured action plan in Control Panel > Settings > Incidents.
In our example, we will assign it an INCIDENT template: 🌡Sensors.

Para acceder a la plantilla, debes pulsar en la herramienta Sensores seleccionar el sensor correspondiente accedes a los sensores configurado y pulsar en la incidencia generada.

You will be accessing the previously configured action plan: Simply complete it and close the incident if necessary.

This incident is generated after a time previously configured by the Andy team. To determine the time you want to set, write to us at This incident will not be generated again until the temperature returns to its correct range and then goes out of range again.

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