How to link your Dobbox sensors to the Andy App

Linking your Dobbox sensors to Andy

Trying to link your Dobbox sensors to Andy from Android and iOS?

You'll find all the information you need, below. 

Turning the devices ON

1. Turn on the sensors by holding down the button on the back of the sensor for a few seconds until the blue light stays on steadily.

If it blinks, it means it has turned off and you need to press the power button again for a few seconds.

Repeat this process with the rest of the sensors.

2. Connect the WI-FI receiver to the power outlet, ensuring that the antenna is securely screwed in:

3.The system will detect the sensors in less than 5 minutes after connecting it.

 App Set up

Accessing it for the first time

1. Download the Dobbox app on your mobile:: 
                  - Android
                  - iOS

2. Access your account with the credentials you received in the welcome email (check the SPAM folder) 

 Wifi Set up

1. In the menu, select Setup receiver. The application will ask you to enable Bluetooth and location.

Press Accept on both messages.

2Next, the system will scan and display all the Wi-Fi receivers it finds. Select yours to link it.

3. Now, it will detect the Wifi networks around you. If you are already connected to your network, enter the password and press confirm.

Wait to receive the message: Receiver successfully configured.

Naming the sensors

1. On the app, tap on the Setup button of the corresponding sensor.

2. To identify them, look at the MAC identifier located at the back of the sensor 

3. Enter the name you want to identify it with and press Save

Sensor placement

1. Remove the double-sided adhesive from the box and remove one of the protectors to stick it on the back of the sensor.

It is advisable to clean the area where the sensor will be placed with a clean cloth and alcohol

2. Remove the other protector and place the sensor in the corresponding area with force for a few seconds.

Repeat this process with the rest of the sensors.

Linking your sensor to the Andy App

1. Access Andy using your credentials and User Pin. Then, click on Settings > Sensors > Link sensor

2. Enter a sensor or team name, serial number, active, and Save

Ready! You have now configured the Dobbox sensors with Andy.

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