Andy's Printing Queue

Printing Queue

Is the connection between the printer and the device where you use Andy on not good enough?

This could be due to a number of factors, like the distance between the printer and the device, or several other external factors.
Andy’s Print Queue tool allows you to select products that need to be labelled and have them printed once the connection is restablished.
This can be helpful, for example, when you have a weak Bluetooth connection and need to select specific products for labelling.

In this case, once the connection is restored, the selected products will be printed.

The process is as follows:

1. In the Main Menu, click on the Labels icon. 

2. Search for the product or food item for which you need a label.

You can use the filtering options to search for products:
  1. By categories located on the left side.
  2. By product status located at the top.
Or simply scroll through the available products. 

3. Select the desired product.

4. During the labelling process, you will be shown the steps to complete according to the selected product at the top:

You can preview the label by clicking on the   icon at the top right:

Andy’s automated labelling allows certain fields to be automatically filled, such as:
  1. The initials of the user printing the label
  2. The product's storage condition
  3. The printing date
  4. The expiry times automatically calculated

Andy also autosuggests the two previously entered lot numbers so that you don't have to manually enter them for each print if the number repeats itself.
Simply click and the selected number will be automatically entered.

The same applies to a product's primary expiry date. In this case, Andy will suggest the two most recent dates previously entered:

5. The final step requires you to indicate the quantity of labels to be printed.
6. You can review the label preview to ensure that the information is correct.
7. Click on Print. The following message will immediately appear at the top of your screen:

Click on Review.

You are now in the Printing Queue where you’ll see all the selected products for labelling. You also have the option to Discard all labels, remove a specific one by clicking on , or once you have a connection with the printer, click on Print to have them printed one after another.

It's essential to enable automatic date and time to proceed with the printing. Andy is capable of detecting if you are printing on the correct date and time, so doing otherwise would affect the proper functioning of your store. Click on Go to Settings to enable this function and return to Andy to continue printing!

You're all set!
Now you know how to use the Print Queue tool.

Want to find out more about Printing Food Labels?

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