How do I customise the title of an incident?

How do I customise the title of an incident?

Andy allows you to customise the title of an Incident based on the answer entered in the Andy App.
Simply access the Control Panel and configure the item that generates the incident title. Text, selector, numeric, and temperature elements can be configured so that their response becomes the title of the incident.

Let's have a look af the following example:

We have an incident template: "Raw Material Reception Incident".
The item "Temperature" has the "Incident Title" option activated. 
The answer to this item will appear as the title of the generated incident.

En Andy APP, se observa como el título de la respuesta de los elementos de tipo texto, selector, numérico y temperatura que estén configurados para que su respuesta sea el título de la incidencia.

Así se visualiza la configuración del ejemplo anterior:

This is how the title of the response for text, selector, numeric, and temperature elements that are configured to be the incident title appears in the Andy App:

Ready!!You may be interested in finding out how to Manage Incidents from Andy's Control Panel

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