Adding, deleting, activating /deactivating Stores on the andy App

Adding, deleting, activating /deactivating Stores on the andy App

Adding a Store 

1. Go to Settings from the left hand menu. 

2. In Stores click on Stores. 

3. Here you have the option to work simultaneously with the Stores as well as Groups of Stores settings. 

4.Click on Add Stores

5. Edit basic information
  1. Identifier: Unic code assigned to each store. 
  2. Store's Name
  3. Keep store Active o Inactive
  4. Group of Stores: Link the store to a group of stores to streamline tasks. You can link more than one group to a store.

If you haven't created a group yet, you can link it in the section Group of Stores.

6. Edit the access to the 
Andy App
  1. Store user: It is recommended to use the reference of the Identifier to facilitate login, since this user is used to access the Andy App.
  2. Password: Enter a password that allows them to enter the Andy App with the Store user on login.
InfoIf you need to reset the password later, go to the store page and click on Reset password.

7. Enter the Contact Details and Address
  1. Email associated to the store, needed for communication purposes and other admin tasks. 
  2. Telephone
  3. Physical address of the store
  4. City where the store is located
  5. Postal Code
  6. Province / Region / County, etc.
  7. If possible, latitude y longitude of the store. 

8. Once you have finished the configuration, click on
Save and you're done!

Deleting a store

1. Select the store you want to eliminate from the list in the 
Stores section. 

2. Click on the
three dots that appear next to the Save button.

3. Click on 

Deletion of a store can't be reversed! It will be final and you will unlink any groups that are associated with this store.

4. Click on
Yes, Delete

Activating / Deactivating Stores

1. From the Stores section, selecte the store you want to modify. 

2.In the store settings page - in the basic informatio section - click on Activate or Deactivate the store. 

If you decide to deactivate an Active store, you will not be able to access their Andy App or their checklists.

3. Click on Yes, deactivate store.

If the store is inactive you can activate it by clickin on the button. You'll know it has changed to Active when it changes from gray to green. 

4. Click on 
Save or Cancel if you don't wish you confirm the changes in these settings. 

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