Llamada telefónica
+34 684 46 60 17 | Mon-Fri 8:00 a 20:00
- Identifier: Unic code assigned to each store.
- Store's Name
- Keep store Active o Inactive
- Group of Stores: Link the store to a group of stores to streamline tasks. You can link more than one group to a store.
- Store user: It is recommended to use the reference of the Identifier to facilitate login, since this user is used to access the Andy App.
- Password: Enter a password that allows them to enter the Andy App with the Store user on login.
If you need to reset the password later, go to the store page and click on Reset password.
- Email associated to the store, needed for communication purposes and other admin tasks.
- Telephone
- Physical address of the store
- City where the store is located
- Postal Code
- Province / Region / County, etc.
- If possible, latitude y longitude of the store.