Installing the Andy App via APK

Installing the Andy App via APK

We recommend installing the Andy App via Google Play. You can find instructions on how to install Andy from Google Play in this article.

If you're unable to install Andy through Google Play on your Android device, you can download and install the application using an APK file following these steps:

1. Access on your Android device through the Google Chrome browser. Once the link opens, click on Download for Android.

2. Optional - Google Chrome may ask you: "Allow the app to access photos and media on your device?" Click on Allow.

3. It will then ask you: "Do you want to download the file?" Click on Download.

4. The following message will appear on your screen next: "For security reasons your phone is set to block the installation of apps obtained from unknown sources."

You need to grant permissions to your device to download applications through Google Chrome.

In the same message, click on Settings. This step is necessary to allow permissions for a successful installation of the application.

 Once in Settings, enable the option to "allow installation from this source".

5. After granting permission to the source, click on Download to respond to the message "Do you want to download the file?" .

6. The application will start downloading.
This step may take a few seconds depending on your internet connection.
When the download is complete, you will see the following confirmation:

Click on Open.

7. Finally, you will be asked: "Do you want to install this application?" Click on Install.

And you’re good to go!

You have successfully installed Andy.

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