Step-by-step guide to configuring your business’ profile on the Andy App
1. First of, navigate to the left-hand side menu and click on the Settings icon.
2. In the Company section, click on Profile.
3. Enter the Name, primary Language you want to use in the control panel, Time zone and the Logo to be displayed in the header of the Andy App in all your business’ stores.
4. To add a logo, click on Add Logo and browse locally for the image you want to use.
Do you ned to change an existing image? Simply click on Change and browse locally for the new image.
Do you need to remove the image altogether? Click on Delete within the Logo section.
5. The Language section features a dropdown menu with all the available languages for the Andy App and its Control Panel. Choose the Primary Language you want to work with. This change will be reflected once you Save the set up.
6. The Time Zone section allows you to modify the working hours according to your location in the globe. It is automatically set to CET (Central European Time).
7. If you are happy with the set up, click to Save your new profile configuration.