You will notice that Andy's self-help support tool is very intuitive. All you need to do is answer the questions that Andy will ask you by clicking on one of its response options.
Did you resolve the issue?
Simply answer Yes to the question Was your issue resolved? and the chat will conclude.
Your issue wasnt' resolved?
Let us know with a No and enter an email address and the unresolved issue so that our support team can get in touch with you as soon as possible.
On the same screen you can access the Support Chat by clicking on Chat in the top of the screen.
Now you may be interested to find out How to contact the Andy Experience team
Andy’s Library allows you to store files in various formats such as videos, photos, and documents. Users have access to the information posted on the Andy App according to their roles and they can consult or download it as needed. Here are some ...
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Wondering which device will work best when using Andy? Find out our list of recommended devices! We recommend that you review the article on Minimum device requirements before continuing, so that you can select the device to use with more criteria. ...
Understanding the differences between the Tasks and Records tools will help you organise your restaurant more efficiently and comply with all the HACCP prerequisites. The Tasks Tool... Allows you to schedule and automate the periodic tasks your team ...
The purpose of the Andy's Audit Tool is to diagnose and identify which activities are being carried out as expected, which are not, and which can be improved to prevent potential risks. In other words, the Audits tool helps you understand how your ...
Do you need more help?
We’re here for you. You can easily reach us through the following channels.