Accessing the Andy App for the first time

Accessing the Andy App for the first time

To access your business' account, you first need to create your store manager’s credentials.

To do so, simply access the app for the first time using the provided login credentials.
This process creates a level 3 user with access to some of Andy’s tools such as user creation and printer configuration.

Don’t worry!
Creating a user is a simple process and Andy will guide you interactively the entire way.

Firstly, you’ll receive an email with the store's login credentials.
Once you have received the store identifier and access key, you should be able to access the Andy App.

1. Once you have entered the store's credentials, you will see this screen in the Andy App. Click on Continue.

2. You will now be prompted to enter your name. Once entered, click on Continue

3. Enter your last name and click on Continue

4. Next, enter a 4-digit user PIN and use it subsequently to log into your store. Click on Continue.


5. Finally, choose the avatar that best represents you and click on Continue

There you go! You have created your first user in the Andy App! Click on START to access the store's account.


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